Page 198 - ICSE Math 4
P. 198
14. __________ is an easy method of mul plying numbers using a grid as it breaks the process
into smaller steps.
15. 27 x 72 = __________.
16. 45 ÷ 9 = __________.
17. It is not possible to divide a number by __________.
18. On dividing 97 by 2, we get __________ as a remainder.
19. When the prime numbers are mul plied, they give the __________ number.
20. If the number has only two factors, then it is a __________ number.
21. A number is divisible by 9, if the __________ of all its digit is divisible by 9.
22. Frac ons having the same denominator are called ______________________.
1 2 3 4
23. , , and are called ______________________.
2 4 6 8
24. To add like frac ons, we add the __________ and keep the __________ as it is.
25. Railway tracks are an example of __________ lines.
26. All radii of a circle are __________.
27. The property of being made of exactly similar parts is known as __________.
28. ___________ is the region enclosed within a closed boundary by a plane fi gure.
29. The total length of the boundary of a plane closed fi gure is called ____________.
30. __________ plane fi gures do not have a fi xed shape, therefore, we can only fi nd the
approximate area of such fi gures.
31. 3 kg 400 g + 10 kg 60 g = __________ kg __________ g.
32. To convert kilometres to metres, we mul ply the number of kilometres by __________.
33. 2,319 cm = __________ m __________ cm.
34. Each division on a Celsius scale denotes __________.
35. The lower fi xed point of the thermometer shows the ___________ temperature that can be
36. 1 day = __________ hours.
37. ____________ is the collec on of informa on or facts.
38. A ___________ is another way of represen ng the collected data by drawing bars of diff erent
39. Raw data can be represented in the form of ___________ and ___________.
40. In a growing pa ern, the pa ern grows due to the ___________ of a new shape or a unit to
the already exis ng shape or unit.
41. Growing and ___________ pa erns do not have a fi xed unit of repeat.
42. In repea ng pa ern, the unit of repeat is ___________ and never changes.
C. Write the correct answer.
1. Represent 67,890 on the abacus.
2. Compare 4,10,678 and 4,18,932.