Page 126 - ICSE Math 4
P. 126

(c)  A ray has a fi xed __________ point but no end point.
                           (d)  A line can be __________ in both the direc  ons.

                           (e)  A line has no  __________ point or __________ point.

                            (f)  A line can be __________, __________, __________ or __________.

                      2.  State whether the following statements are True or False.

                           (a)  A circle has four corners and six edges.                                 ___________

                           (b)  All the sides of a square are equal.                                     ___________

                            (c)  A cuboid has six ver  ces.                                              ___________

                           (d)  The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal.                             ___________

                           (e)  Two line segments always meet at a point.                                ___________

                      3.  Draw the following. Also, name and label each one of them.

                           (a)  A line segment of length 3.7 cm           (b)  A ray             (c)  A line

                      4.  Which shape is represented by the given net?

                      5.  Find the radius of the circle whose diameter is 28 cm.

                      6.  Draw circles of radii (a) 5 cm and (b) 8 cm. Calculate their diameters.

                      7.  Draw the front, side and top view of the given box.

                      8.  Draw the reflec  ons of the following shapes.

                           (a)                              (b)                             (c)

                              Values and Life Skills

                    Nature used symmetry to make things beau  ful. For example,
                    a bu  erfl y has the symmetrical wing pa  erns.

                    Draw pictures of symmetrical objects from nature. Do you
                    think symmetry always make things beau  ful?

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