Page 127 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 127

3.  They will display a robot at the Science Exhibition.

                           4.  Drinking milk will help you grow.

                           5.  Those who break the law will go to jail.

                           6.  Arjun will get the detailed medical report tomorrow.

                           7.  Shruti will complete her graduation this year.

                           8.  Vinayak will shift to Chandigarh soon.

                    C4.  Imagine that you are invited to join a team of scien  sts who will go to
                           Mars on a spaceship. Ask your teammates as many ques  ons as possible
                           about the spaceship and the journey using will.

                   D     Listening and Speaking


                    D1.  Listen to ‘Mowgli’s Song’ and fi ll in the blanks with the correct words.
                           Then sing the song yourself.

                                                             Mowgli’s Song

                                         Shere Khan said he would kill – would kill!

                                         At the                     in the

                                                            he would kill Mowgli, the Frog!

                                         He ate and he                         . Drink deep, Shere

                                         Khan, for                      will you
                                         drink                       ? Sleep and dream of the kill.

                                         Sleep you still, Shere Khan? Wake, oh,

                                         wake! Here come I,

                                         and the bulls are                         .

                                         Lend me your                          , Shere Khan. Lend me

                                         your gay striped coat that I

                                         may go to the                        Rock.

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