Page 117 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 117


                    D2.  Imagine that you are a reporter interviewing Father Wolf and Mother Wolf
                           for The Seeonee Hill Times, the newspaper of the jungle. Given below is an
                           outline of the interview. Complete the ques  ons and responses yourself

                           and then role-play the interview in the class.

                           Reporter         :   My first question is to Father Wolf. What were you doing
                                                on . . .?

                           Father Wolf  :  It was a warm day. So I was . . .

                           Reporter         :  Mother Wolf, what were you doing at that time?

                           Mother Wolf  :  I was . . .

                           Reporter         :  What is your opinion about Tabaqui?

                           Father Wolf  :  I think . . .

                           Mother Wolf  :  He is . . .

                           Reporter         :   Now a question about your way of life. Could you describe
                                                your hunting process?

                           Father Wolf  :  Sure. We Wolves hunt in packs. We . . .

                           Reporter         :   What do you think is the danger if Mr Shere Khan shifts his
                                                hunting grounds to Seeonee hills?

                           Father Wolf  :  Shere Khan is . . . It can cause . . . Animals will/will not . . .

                           Reporter         :   What do you plan to do if Mr Khan moves to Seeonee hills

                                                in spite of your opposition?

                           Father Wolf  :  We are not afraid of . . . We shall . . .

                           Mother Wolf  :  We shall make sure . . .

                           Reporter         :   Thank you Father Wolf and Mother Wolf for giving us your

                           Father Wolf and Mother Wolf : It was a pleasure.

                    D3.  Role-play an interview with Shere Khan and Tabaqui. Make your own

                           ques  ons and responses.

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