Page 39 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 39

Give me some water.                           (uncountable noun)

                           We played cricket yesterday.                  (uncountable noun)

                           Children like watching television.  (plural)

                    Defi nite Arti cle – the

                    We use the with nouns when there is no doubt about which particular person

                    or thing we are talking about.

                           I bought a pair of shoes and a shirt. The shoes were more expensive
                           than the shirt.
                           (The speaker knows which particular pair of shoes and which shirt he is
                           talking about. They are the ones he bought.)

                           The Earth goes around the Sun.

                           (There is only one Earth and one Sun.)

                    C1.  Fill in the blanks with a or an.

                           1.  I want to buy              new car.

                           2.  My brother is               artist.

                           3. That’s            good idea!

                           4.           elephant cannot run as fast as                  cheetah.

                           5.           old Irishman went to a shop to buy                     pair of scissors.

                    C2.  Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. Put a cross in the blank if no arti cle
                           is needed.

                           1. I saw             giraffe,           peacock and                orang-utan at

                           2.  I do not like            chocolate ice cream.

                           3.  Scientists are trying to find out if there is                       water on


                           4. Hinamatsuri is                 name of              festival.            girls arrange
                                        dolls on           platform to keep away                  evil spirits.

                           5.  We bought DVDs of                  cartoon film and              action film. I loved
                                        cartoon film. But              action film was boring.

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