Page 96 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 96

14             The Magic Pot

                    Lisa lived with her mother near a forest. They were very poor. They had very

                    little food to eat. One day, Lisa went into the forest to look for food. There
                    she met an old woman carrying a heavy bundle of sticks on her back. Lisa felt

                    sorry for her. She said to the old woman, ‘You are tired. Give me your bundle
                    of sticks. I will carry it for you.’ The old woman gave the bundle to her and
                    Lisa carried it to the old woman’s house.

                    The old woman was very
                    pleased with Lisa. She gave

                    her a pot and said, ‘Here,
                    take this magic pot, little

                    girl. Whenever you want
                    something to eat, say “Cook,
                    little pot, cook.” The pot will

                    cook it for you. When you
                    want the pot to stop cooking,

                    you have to say “Thank you,
                    little pot, stop now.” The pot
                    will stop cooking.’

                    Lisa was very happy. She
                    thanked the old woman.

                    She ran back home with the
                    magic pot. She showed it to

                    her mother.

                    That night the magic pot cooked many tasty dishes for them. Lisa and

                    her mother ate all of them. They were very happy. They gave food to their
                    neighbours too.

                                                             pleased :  happy about something

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