Page 9 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 9

• making a poster of        •    someone   observing and   •    drawing   • making an animal   album  activity   •    emphasizing the   value of sharing   • fairy tales   – enacting  – making masks     thinking skill   •

                          Activity  the night sky, the  moon and the stars  activity: surprising

                         Listening and  Speaking  • listening to a text   and locating   information  • conversation   – introducing   – requesting   – thanking  sounds of English    •    • differentiating   between speech   sounds  • sounds of English  – /u/ /u/      • riddles  • rhymes  sounds of animals     • sounds of English   – // //   • sounds of English  – /e/ /ei/     • listen and sequence  • sounds of English   – /u/ //

                          Writing  sentences in a                       • writing substitution       • guided composition  – noun phrases
                               • completing      paragraph                  dialogues  • completing   sentences

                         Grammar  and Usage  • present simple   – verbs  – be: am, is, are     • adjectives   – colour   – shape   – quality   – opposites  • prepositions  in, on, under,      between, etc.  • definite article    the

                          Vocabulary  • opposites  • spelling  • contextualized   vocabulary  • rhyming words  • words for   movements of   animals  • spelling  • animals and the  sounds they make     • animals and their   young ones  • spelling  • sh words  initial : shut     final : cash

                         Reading   Comprehension  • verifying  • locating   information  • interpreting  • sequencing  • sensitization to  rhythm and rhyme     • interpreting the   picture  • locating   information  • inferring  • locating   information  • sensitization to  rhythm and rhyme     • locating   information  • inferring  • verifying

                               6. The Moon in a   Bowl  7. I Wonder!    8.    Lost      9. Animal Parade  10. The Clever Frog
                          Unit                                          Little Topsy Gets
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