Page 5 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
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                    As an internationally accepted language,            and representative selection of classic and
                    English plays a central role in shaping the         contemporary literature aims at developing
                    careers and lives of young people worldwide.        exemplary standards of literary appreciation. The
                    For Indians, English is not only a window to        authors have kept away from the trend of going
                    the world, but a bridge between the languages       overboard to make everything look and sound
                    and cultures at home. It carries the images of      western just because these are English textbooks.
                    progress and modernity, and is a synonym for        Instead, the content here has distinctive
                    success in the globalized world. Consequently,      Indian flavour, while not compromising on the
                    there is tremendous demand for quality English      structures, rigour and standards of international
                    education.                                          English.
                        In order to understand, interpret and
                    respond effectively to a fast-changing world,       PresentaƟ on
                    learners require applied practice and the best-     In any book meant for children, pictures
                    available language-learning tools. In Real          speak louder than text. Designed by a team of
                    English, learners and facilitators will find a      professional illustrators and graphic designers,
                    systematic exposition of language concepts and      Real English is a colourful and well-laid-out
                    thorough practice for each language skill, with     textbook series. The captivating and intriguing
                    focus on the larger goal of language-enabling.      illustrations in this series are insightful and
                                                                        actively engage the learners’ imagination.
                    The Package

                    Real English is a series for classes 1–8. Its       Support Material
                    components are: coursebook, supplementary           The multimedia CD for learners contains audio
                    reader, workbook, teacher’s resource pack,          components of the listening tasks, interactive
                    interactive multimedia CD and the online            sessions for practice in comprehension,
                    support website The coursebook      vocabulary and grammar, and printable
                    has carefully graded exercises on comprehension,    worksheets, constituting a self-contained
                    vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking,        learning experience.
                    sounds and pronunciation, and writing, apart             The teacher’s resource pack includes the
                    from activities and games. Within each section      teacher’s guide, the e-coursebook and animation
                    the tasks involve varying levels of challenge       for each chapter, besides the test generator
                    and difficulty so that they can be attempted        software application. Teachers will find in
                    by learners with different levels of ability. The   the resource pack not only guidance on every
                    workbook reinforces the concepts learnt in the      component of the course but also answer keys
                    coursebook through extra exercises. The teacher’s   to practice tasks and exercises. The animations
                    resource pack offers all-round aid for effective    will make teaching and learning both lively and
                    classroom teaching.                                 rewarding.
                                                                             A range of online materials including
                    Text and Themes
                                                                        answer keys and worksheets are available for free
                    The reading text in Real English includes stories,   download to registered users at
                    anecdotes, biographies, episodes of history,             Real English will certainly give children a
                    folktales, real-life stories, factual writing,      rich and enjoyable language-learning
                    plays, poems and rhymes. The pluralistic            experience.
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