Page 78 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 78

Mother           :  How much should I pay?

                                                                Shopkeeper :   Ninety-two rupees, ma’am.

                                                                Mother           :  Here you are.

                                                                Shopkeeper :  Thank you.

                                                                Raman            :  Papa, can we have ice
                                                                                    cream now?

                                                                Father           :  Why not? Come, let’s go and

                                                                                    have some ice cream.

                                                                Raman            :  There is a shop on the
                                                                                    other side of the road.

                                                                Father           :  Let’s cross the road. Hold
                                                                                    my hand, Raman.

                    At Mike’s ice cream parlour

                    Father          :   Raman, can I get a chocolate

                                        ice cream for you?

                    Raman           :   No, papa. I do not want a
                                        chocolate ice cream. I want a
                                        strawberry ice cream.

                    (Father buys one strawberry ice cream and
                    two chocolate ice creams. They all eat ice

                    Raman           :   Thank you very much for

                                        bringing me to the market. I
                                        had a lovely time.

                    Mother          :  I too enjoyed shopping.

                    Father          :  I think it is time for lunch. Let’s go back home.

                                    shopping :  going to the shops
                                                   to buy things

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