Page 132 - Viva ICSE Science 4 : E-book
P. 132
Plaque: A sticky yellow coating on teeth caused Solution: A type of liquid mixture in which two
due to the growth of germs or more substances are mixed evenly
Pollution: Presence of some harmful substances Solvent: Substance in which the solute dissolves
Premolars: Flat and broad teeth, located next to Standard unit: Fixed units of measurement
the canines
Stomata: Small opening on the under surface
Proteins: Nutrients that are needed for building
of a leaf, which helps in the exchange of gases.
muscles, and growth and repair of our body
Public transport: Transport which can be used
Temperature: A property of matter that tells
by anyone after paying the fi xed charges
how hot or cold a body is
Pull: Act of moving an object closer to us by
Temporary teeth: Also called milk teeth, fi rst set
applying force on it
of teeth that starts appearing from the age of 6
Pulp: Central soft part of tooth
months in a child
Push: Act of moving an object away from us by
Terrestrial animals: Animals living on land
applying force on it
Terrestrial plants: Plants growing on land
Refl ection: Light falling on a surface and Translucent: Materials through which only little
bouncing back amount of light can pass
Refraction: Slight change in the direction of Transparent: Materials through which light
light as it passes through a diff erent medium passes easily
Root: Part of a tooth inside the gums Transpiration: Process of loss of water from
Root system: Consists of root of any plant plants
Roughage: Part of the food we get from plants
that cannot be digested by our body Ureters: Thin tubes that carry urine from
kidneys to the urinary bladder
Saliva: Watery substance produced in the Urethra: Tube that carries urine from the
mouth that makes the food soft and helps to bladder to the outside of body
swallow easily
Urinary bladder: Stores urine before it is
Sedimentation: Process of settling down at the excreted out of the body
Shoot system: Consists of stem, leaves, fl owers
Vacuum: Empty space
and fruits of plants
Vitamins: Nutrients that help in protecting our
Solubility: The ability of a substance to dissolve
body from diseases
Solute: Substance that dissolves