Page 9 - Start Up Mathematics_5
P. 9



                            Let’s Recall ...

                            The largest 6-digit number is 9,99,999. It is read as nine lakh ninety-nine
                            thousand nine hundred ninety-nine.

             1   Given below are the prices of some cars.

                           A                      B                      C                       D
                      ` 4,65,343             ` 7,90,450              ` 8,80,400             ` 5,12,900

                   Write the price of each car in the table under the appropriate periods and also in words.

                     Car     Lakhs        Thousands           Ones                 Price (In Words)
                                                                         Four lakh sixty-five thousand three
                      A         4              65              343
                                                                                 hundred forty-three




             2   Using the numbers in the squares form:

                        5       1      3       7      9      2

                 (a)  the largest 6-digit number                (b)  the smallest 6-digit number
                      _________________________                      _________________________

             3   Fill in the missing numbers on the number line.
                                       A                      B
                 (a)                                                              A = ________  B = ________

                         2,43,441               2,43,443              2,43,445
                 (b)                                                              A = ________  B = ________
                            A        3,00,000      B       3,00,002   3,00,003
             4   In the city of Hyderabad, there are 8,45,333 bikes and 6,44,900 cars. Does the city have
                 more cars or bikes? How many more are they?

   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14