Page 45 - ICSE Math 6
P. 45

Absolute value of an integer

                    The numerical value of an integer, regardless of whether its sign is
                    positive or negative, is known as the absolute value or modulus of              Maths Info
                    the integer.                                                              If there is no sign in front of a

                    We denote the absolute  value  of an integer  by writing the integer      number, then that number is
                    between two vertical line segments known as bars. For example, the        taken as a positive number.
                    absolute value of –99 = |–99| = 99.

                    Points to remember
                    •  The absolute value of a positive integer is the number itself.
                    •  The absolute value of 0 is 0.                                                Maths Info
                    •  The absolute value of a negative integer is always greater than the    The absolute value of an integer
                       number. For example, the absolute value of –56 = |–56| = 56, which     other than 0 is always positive.
                       is greater than –56.

                    Example 12: Evaluate.
                                  (a) |–33|     (b) –|990|     (c) |–111|     (d) |0|

                    Solution:     (a)  |–33| = 33       (b)  Since |990| = 990, \ –|990| = –990
                                  (c)  |–111| = 111     (d)  |0| = 0

                                                              EXERCISE 3.1

                      1.  Write the opposites of the following.
                         (a)  Earning of ` 5,000       (b)  250 km east of Delhi      (c)  Late by 25 minutes
                         (d)  200 m above sea level    (e)  Decrease of 10            (f)  20°C below freezing point
                      2.  Answer the following using integers with appropriate signs.
                         (a)  Find the change in amount in Tanmay’s bank account, if he deposited ` 26,500.
                         (b)  Shivansh made a profit of ` 3,000 by selling a television. What is his profit?

                         (c)  By how much the amount in a bank account will change, if ` 5,000 are withdrawn from it?
                         (d)  A kite is flying at 100 m above the ground. At what height is it flying?
                         (e)  A whale is 3,000 m below sea level. What is the elevation of whale?
                         (f)   A worker at a shopping mall goes 10 m down in the basement. Find the change in his position.
                      3.  Represent the following integers on the number line.

                         (a)  +4            (b)  +6            (c)  0             (d)  –7
                      4.  In each of the following pairs, which integer is to the left of the other on the number line?
                         (a)  –13, –26      (b)  –9, 18        (c)  –29, –13      (d)  –100, –67
                      5.  Write three negative integers just greater than –9.
                      6.  Write three negative integers just less than –12.
                      7.  Write all the integers which lie between the given pairs of integers in decreasing order.

                         (a)  –3 and –10    (b)  –6 and –13    (c)  –8 and 0      (d)  –89 and –98
                      8.  Fill in the blanks with appropriate symbol ‘>’ or ‘<’.
                         (a)  –9 ____  –19       (b)  –7 ____  –12           (c)  0 ____  –10        (d)  –2 ____ 1

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