Page 298 - ICSE Math 6
P. 298

Question Bank                         25.  7 divided by b when increased by 3 gives b.
                                                                          26.  x = –4    27. Students to do on their own.
                    True or False                                         28.  (a) Infinite  (b) 1  (c) 1    29. 160° 46′ 45″
                      1.  False   2.  True    3.  True   4.  False   5.  True    30.  Students to do on their own.
                      6.  True   7.  False   8.  False   9.  True   10.  False    31.  Students to do on their own.
                      11.  False   12.  True   13.  False  14.  True   15.  False   32.  Students to do on their own.    33. 1    34. 5 cm
                      16.  True   17.  True   18.  False  19.  True   20.  True    35.  Students to do on their own.
                      21.  False   22.  True   23.  True   24.  True   25.  False    36.  5 m    37. No    38. 3
                      26.  True   27.  True   28.  False  29.  False  30.  True
                      31.  False   32.  True   33.  True   34.  False  35.  True  39.      40.  5    41. 6 m    42. 28 m
                      36.  True   37.  False  38.  True   39.  True   40.  False
                      41.  True   42.  True   43.  False  44.  True
                                                                         43.  Students to do on their own.    44. 84
                    Fill in the Blanks                                  Long Answer Type Questions
                      1.  2,043                                           1.  ` 7,00,00,000   2. 22,95,510   3. 2,66,700
                      2.  9 × 10,000 + 4 × 1,000 + 0 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 9 × 1    4.  ` 20,000    5. –641 < –461 < –416 < –146 < 164 < 614
                      3.  60    4. 0    5. 11    6. –20    7. 5; 10; 15    6.  1,500 ft    7. 2    8. 4,405    9. 11.25 m
                      8.  4    9. unlike    10. 4     11. 0.25   12. 12.456  2  3  12  11  7
                                            2                             10.   <  <  <  <      11. 3.536 km    12. 131.734
                      13.  not defined    14. empty    15. 2 : 1    16. 4    13.  Finite set: B; Infinite set: A; Empty sets: M and X
                      17.  35    18. 25    19. more    20. 25    21. 7y    14.   P = {January, March, April, May, June, July, August,
                      22.  three    23. 12x     24. –7    25. y + 5        September, October, November, December}; n(P) = 11
                      26.  3y + 11    27. line segments    28. concurrent    15.  45 m    16. 1.6 litres; 250 km    17. 44
                      29.  48°    30. complementary    31. 90°    32. ∠DBC    18.  25%; 2 stamps     19. 250 m    20. 100 m
                      33.  an isosceles    34. two    35. two    36. diameter    21.  General term: n  + 1; 16  term: 257
                      37.  four    38. net    39. coincide    40. 1    41. 15    22.  (a) Yes; 7  (b) b , –4b , 70b  and –25
                    42.  6.25  43. 14   44. 12                              (c) 1; –4; 70  (d) –25
                    Multiple Choice Questions                             23.  17x – 60    24. a  + ab – a b – ab ; –8    25. ` 42,500
                      1.  (d)   2.  (d)   3.  (a)   4.  (b)   5.  (a)     26.  14; 56
                      6.  (b)   7.  (c)   8.  (b)   9.  (a)   10.  (b)    27.  (a) Triangle    (b) Closed figure    (c) No    (d) 3
                      11.  (d)   12.  (b)   13.  (d)   14.  (d)   15.  (b)    28.  (a) 8    (b) 3    (c) 4    29. South
                      16.  (c)   17.  (a)   18.  (b)   19.  (c)   20.  (a)    30.  A = 134°; B = 134°; C = 46°
                      21.  (c)   22.  (b)   23.  (d)   24.  (a)   25.  (b)   31.  Students to do on their own.
                      26.  (c)   27.  (a)   28.  (c)   29.  (a)   30.  (d)    32.  Students to do on their own.
                      31.  (b)   32.  (c)   33.  (a)   34.  (c)   35.  (b)    33.  No, as in a right triangle there is no obtuse angle.
                      36.  (c)   37.  (a)   38.  (a)   39.  (c)   40.  (c)    34.   The point of intersection of altitudes of a triangle is known
                      41.  (b)   42.  (c)   43.  (a)   44.  (b)            as the orthocentre.
                                                                          35.  Students to do on their own.
                    Short Answer Type Questions                          36.   A sector of a circle is the region bounded by two radii
                      1.  66,630   2. 3,60,000   3. 1,33,00   4. 50,000    and an arc of the circle.
                      5.  –426    6. –6    7. 25 = 5 + 7 + 13    8. Yes    37.  Students to do on their own.
                        77   75      66        18
                      9.   ,     and       10.       11. ` 18.02
                        165 165     165        25                         38.
                      12.  54.844    13. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
                                                                              Side view
                                                                                         Front view
                      14.  B = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}    15. 300, 400    16. 21 : 35    39.  Students to do on their own.  Top view
                      17.  0.225%    18. 55    19. 162 km    20. Boat A    40.  (a) 2  (b) No  (c) 6    41. 0.9 m
                    21.  120n                                             42.  1,960 sq. cm
                    22.  Terms: m , 7n , 5mn and 23; Constant term: 23    43.  (a) 16.25 hours  (b) 17.5 hours    (c) In weeks 2 and 4
                                           4 3
                                   3 2
                    23.  33   24. 80x b  + 16x b                          44.  9
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