Page 110 - ICSE Math 6
P. 110

8            Ratio, Proportion and Unitary


                   Key Concepts

                         • Ratio                                             • Comparison of Ratios
                         • Difference between Fraction and Ratio             • Proportion
                         • Simplification of Ratio                           • Unitary Method
                         • Dividing a Quantity in a Given Ratio

                    In our daily life, we often compare two quantities in terms of their magnitudes. For example, suppose
                    in a test of 100 marks, Amit and Rahul scored 60 marks and 75 marks respectively. Since 75 – 60
                    = 15, we compare their marks by saying that Rahul scored 15 more marks than Amit. We can also
                    compare their marks by division as shown.
                     Amit’s marks     60    4                          
                    Rahul’s marks   =   75  =  5     ⇒  Amit’s marks =    times Rahul’s marks
                    This method of comparison by division is known as ratio.

                    Ratio is the relation obtained between two quantities (of the comparable kind) by dividing one quantity
                    by the other. Ratio is denoted by a colon ( : ). The ratio between two non-zero numbers x and y is   .
                    It is denoted by x : y, where x and y are called the terms of the ratio. Also, the first term x is known
                    as the antecedent and the second term y is known as the consequent.
                    For example,                                                                    Maths Info
                    (a)  The ratio between 6 balls and 5 balls is 6 : 5.                      There is no relation between
                    (b)  The ratio between 15 rupees and 11 rupees is 15 : 11.                two quantities which are not
                                                                                              of the same kind.
                    Points to remember
                    •  A ratio does not have a unit of measurement.                            Try These
                    •  Ratio = antecedent ÷ consequent.
                    •  A ratio can be expressed as a fraction.                                1.   If a = 5 and b = 2, find:
                                                                                                 (i) a : b  (ii) (a – b) : b
                    •  A ratio x : y is defined only if x and y are non-zero numbers.            (iii) (a – b) : (a + b)
                    •  The ratio x : y is not equal to y : x, unless x = y.                   2.    Find the ratio between first
                                                                                                 two multiples of 3.
                    Difference between fraction and ratio
                    The table given below shows the difference between a fraction and a ratio.

                                        Fraction                                            Ratio
                     It is used to represent a part of whole.          It is used to compare two quantities using division.
                     The fraction   represents a parts out of b equal  The ratio a : b represents that for a parts of the first
                    parts of a whole.                                  quantity there are b parts of the second quantity.
                    In a fraction, denominator represents the total  In a ratio, antecedent or consequent may or may
                    parts of the whole.                                not represent the total of the two quantities.

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