Page 80 - ICSE Math 1
P. 80

                             5          Numbers from 21 to 99s from 21 to 99

                      Learning Outcomes

                         Students will be able to learn:                 to identify numbers that come
                          numbers from 21 to 99.                         before, after and in between the

                          to count in tens.                              given numbers.
                                                                         backward counting.
                          to count numbers on abacus.
                                                                         to form 2-digit numbers using
                          to compare numbers.
                                                                          diff erent digits.

                    Let’s learn to read and write more numbers by coun  ng the given objects.

                    Numbers from 21 to 29

                                                        21 =  2  tens +  1  one                      Twenty-one

                                                        22 =  2  tens +  2  ones                     Twenty-two

                                                        23 =  2  tens +  3  ones                    Twenty-three

                                                        24 =          tens +          ones

                                                        25 =          tens +          ones

                                                        26 =          tens +          ones

                                                        27 =          tens +          ones

                                                        28 =          tens +          ones

                                                        29 =          tens +          ones

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