Page 31 - ICSE Math 1
P. 31


                          What To Do?

                          To reinforce coun  ng from 0 to 9

                          What We Need?

                          Colourful bindis, white sheets of paper, a bangle and a pencil

                          How To Do?

                            •  Divide the class into groups of 5 children

                            •  Distribute a sheet of paper to each group
                                and ask them to trace the bangle on it.

                            •  Make 10 slips with a sheet of paper. Write
                                numbers from 0 to 9 on them, one number
                                 on each slip. Fold the slips and shuffl  e them.

                            •  One child from a group will come and pick up a slip. Unfold it and
                                fi nd out the number wri  en on it.

                             •  The children of the same group will paste as many bindis on the
                                 traced shape as the number on the slip.

                             •  Each group will perform this ac  vity turnwise.

                             •  Con  nue the ac  vity   ll the traced shape is completely outlined
                                 with bindis.

                             •  The group which will complete the pas  ng fi rst will be the winner.

                           More Ideas

                             •  Children can draw any shape and perform this
                                 ac  vity.

                             •  Instead of pas  ng bindis, children can draw
                                 zeros on the traced shape.

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