Page 18 - ICSE Math 1
P. 18


                           Some letters from these number names have got lost. Find them and add
                           them to the names.
                             (a)  T ___ O                             (b)  FO ___ R

                             (c)  FIV ___                             (d)  SEV ___ N
                             (e)   EIG ___ T                           (f)  NIN ___
                             (g)  T ___ N                             (h)  TH ___ EE

                              (i)  Z ___ RO

                    Bigger or Smaller

                    Look at the given examples.

                                            is BIGGER than                              is BIGGER than

                     Papa elephant      Mummy elephant      Baby elephant

                                             is SMALLER than         is SMALLER than

                        Red crayon                           Yellow crayon                  Green crayon

                    Just like animals or objects, numbers are also bigger or smaller.

                    For example,

                        2 is smaller than 3, because 2 comes fi rst in
                             coun  ng than 3.                                                        Top Tip

                        7 is bigger than 4, because 7 comes later in                            A number that is
                             coun  ng than 4.                                                  closer to zero is the
                                                                                                smaller number.
                       0 is the smallest number.

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