Page 151 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 7 : E-book
P. 151
20. Arrange the given steps to add a fi eld in Design view in Access 2016 in correct order.
(i) A new row will be inserted. Mention the name and data type for the fi eld created.
(ii) Select the fi eld above which you wish to add a new fi eld.
(iii) Open the table in the Design view.
(iv) Select the Insert Rows option from the Tools group on the Design tab.
(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(b) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
(c) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
(d) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
E Answer the following questions.
1. Write a short note on computer and its hardware.
2. Diff erentiate between hardware and software.
3. How is binary system diff erent from decimal number system?
4. Write the rules to convert binary number system to decimal number system.
5. How is Sweeper diff erent from spyware?
6. Write a short note on the following.
(a) Trojan horse
(b) Diff erent types of antivirus
7. Enlist the safety measures that should be taken while using computer and Internet.
8. Diff erentiate between patent, trademark and copyright.
9. Write the steps to perform calculations in Excel 2016.
10. Describe the type of data that can be inserted in Excel 2016.
11. How is copying the data in Excel 2016 diff erent from moving the data in Excel 2016?
12. Defi ne the Undo and Redo commands of Excel 2016.
13. Write an HTML program to add a textbox.
14. Write a short note on adding buttons and its diff erent types in HTML. Also, write a program
for the same.
15. Write the steps to change row height and column width.
16. Enlist diff erent methods to select the cell and its contents.
17. Defi ne RDBMS.
18. Write the steps to create a new database using templates.
19. Write a brief note on Query window.
20. How can we specify multiple queries in Access 2016?