Page 6 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 2 : E-book
P. 6

Suggested Learning   Resources  Computers/IWB with   presentation software   and Internet facility  Videos/pictures to   explain input, process   and output Posters/charts on healthy   working   while  practices   on the computer  Computers/IWB with   Internet facility  Animated stories and   Computer system along   with other peripheral   Visuals/videos on input   and output devices  Classroom discussions Children’s drawings on

                             •       •      •                  •    •   videos    •    devices  •   •   •   devices

                        Suggested Transactional Processes Discussing how computer is an electronic device  which processes information based on given  Explaining the working of computer and  comparing it with the way humans work Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of   Discussing and identifying uses of computers at  various places, like classroom, office and home     Interacting with and explaining to the children  about the effectiveness of using computers a     several places like classroom, office and home      Identifying that keyboa

                   SYLLABUS  •    instructions  •   •   a computer  •   •         •    devices  •   •   •   their functions  •   them  •   one computer

                        Learning Outcomes  List out how computers are   an electronic device. Compare a human and a  computer in their ways of   List the advantages and   disadvantages of using   Recall the uses of computer.  Specify computer’s  integration in classroom   Correlate computer use  with topics they study in   other subjects.  Identify the input and   output devices. State the functions of each

                             •    •    working.  •   computer.  •   •   activities.  •   •   •   device.

                        Key Concepts  Computer, an electronic   Functions/working of a   Advantages (speed,   storage capacity,  electronic presentation,  automation, calculation,  teaching, learning, etc.)  and disadvantages (impact  on environment, health,  virus attacks, computer/ cybercrimes) of a computer  Role of computers in  enhancing the learning and   teaching process.  Impact of computers  Input and output devices   and their functions Output devices as storage

                             •   device  •   computer  •       •       •          •    •   devices

                        Theme   Computer                        Role of   Computer   Input and   Output Devices

                             1.                                2.                 3.
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