Page 20 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 1 : E-book
P. 20


                     A   Quiz Time

                             Take the quiz. For every correct answer, draw and colour a fl ower                 . At the
                           end, count the number of fl owers. The total number of fl owers will be your

                            1.  A computer only works during the day.                         True        False

                            2. A  D       S         O       cannot be taken to other places.

                            3.  All machines eat fruits to work.                              True        False

                            4.  I am a machine. I am used to wash clothes. Who am I?

                                                                                            Total Score

                     B   Colouring Fun

                           Colour diff erent types of computers.

                     C   Collage Fun

                             Collect pictures of diff erent types of computers from newspapers,

                           magazines and other sources such as the Internet. Paste these pictures in
                           your scrapbook to make a collage.

   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25