Page 283 - Start Up Mathematics_7
P. 283

16                                                                  Data Handling

            In today’s world with easy access to data, there is hardly any branch of studies, be it Mathematics,
            Economics, Science, Medicine, Psychology, etc. where statistical application does not play an
            important role. Scientists, businessmen, researchers, economists, etc. with the help of various
            statistical tools decide the future course of action and project estimates for future. Meteorologists
            use statistics to forecast weather and predict heavy rains and storms.
            In the previous class, you have learnt to collect and tabulate data and put it in the form of bar
            graphs. Collection, organization and presentation of data is of great significance as it not only
            helps in analysis and interpretation but important inferences can be drawn from it.

            In this chapter, we are going to learn how to collect relevant data and present it as frequency
            distribution. We will also learn to evaluate 3 representative values—mean, median and mode,
            review bar graph and learn more about it.

            Collection of Relevant Data

            Before collecting the data, we should know for what purpose it is needed. In order to get useful
            results, one should know clearly what type of problem is at hand and the exact data required for it.
            Suppose we need to know the performance of India in the XIX Commonwealth Games. It can have
            two interpretations. One is the performance of our country vis-a-vis other countries. For this, we
            must have the medal tallies of all the countries in the XIX Commonwealth Games. If the aim is
            to study the relative performance of India over the years in the Commonwealth Games, then we
            need to study the data regarding the number of medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze) won by India in
            the XIX Commonwealth Games vis-a-vis its own performance in the past. Thus, one can observe
            the difference in the data required for the two situations.

              Discuss with your friends, what type of data is required in the following situations:
              •  Performance of your class in Mathematics test.
              •  Children whose parents are in services are more serious in studies.
              •  Number of members in different families of your neighbourhood.
              •  The money invested by foreign institutional investors in the Indian stock market is showing an increasing
                 trend over the last decade.

            Organization of Data
            The data regarding cricket test matches can give access to lot of information, but we cannot get
            quick answers for our specific queries. Its difficult to say which bowler has taken the maximum
            or minimum wickets, who has scored the highest runs, etc. In order to get answers to all these
            queries, one has to go through the data collected by the scorer or statistician. For example, let the
            runs scored by different batsmen in test series be: 30, 86, 42, 115, 93, 17, 23, 55, 90, 10, 5, 41,
            69, 102, 74, 118, 98, 4, 110, 13 and 7.
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