Page 217 - Start Up Mathematics_5
P. 217

6.  (a)  234544 →  Indian system: Two lakh thirty-four   Word Problems
                   thousand five hundred forty-four               1.  Indian system → 2,62,34,875 → Two crore sixty-
                   International  system:  Two hundred  thirty-four   two lakh thirty-four thousand eight hundred seventy-
                   thousand five hundred forty-four                 five
                 (b)  3458901  →  Indian system: Thirty-four  lakh   International system  → 26,234,875  → Twenty-
                   fifty-eight thousand nine hundred one            six million two hundred thirty-four thousand eight
                   International system: Three million four hundred   hundred seventy-five
                   fifty-eight thousand nine hundred one          2.  Largest 8-digit number → 9,99,99,999
                 (c)  74533215 → Indian system: Seven crore forty-       It will become smallest 9-digit number  →
                   five lakh thirty-three thousand two hundred      10,00,00,000
                   fifteen                                        3.  Smallest 9-digit number → 10,23,46,789
                   International system: Seventy-four million five        Round off → 10,23,47,000
                   hundred thirty-three thousand two hundred fifteen       Largest 9-digit number → 98,76,43,210
                 (d)  231743822  →  Indian system: Twenty-three        Round off → 98,76,43,000
                   crore seventeen lakh forty-three thousand eight     4.  Smallest → 30,578, largest → 87,530
                   hundred twenty-two                             5.  695,000 km → Six hundred ninety-five thousand
                   International system:  Two hundred thirty-one
                   million seven hundred forty-three thousand eight     6.  38,44,67,000  →  Thirty-eight crore forty-four lakh
                   hundred twenty-two                                sixty-seven thousand
                 (e)  506397451 →  Indian system: Fifty crore sixty-    7.  9,000 m    8. 10,00,00,002
                   three  lakh  ninety-seven  thousand  four  hundred     9.  Indian system → 2,00,48,720
                   fifty-one                                         International system → 20,048,720
                   International system: Five hundred six million    10.  Smallest number → 30,55,669
                   three hundred ninety-seven thousand four          Largest number → 96,65,530
                   hundred fifty-one                             11.  1,02,34,587
                                                                 12.  Successor → 10,00,000, Predecessor → 9,99,998
            Exercise 1.3                                         13.  50,68,973, 50,83,214, 51,29,860, City C
              1.  (a)  <    (b)  >    (c)  <    (d)  <    (e)  >    (f)  <
              2.  (a)  (i) <   (ii) >   (iii) <   (iv) >        Let’s Evaluate
                 (b)  Car D    (c) Car A                          1.  (a)  3,00,53,607   (b) 15,00,09,242   (c) 89,45,275
                 (d)  4,45,89,414; 2,03,45,500; 89,32,000; 13,05,382       (d) 9,09,909       (e) 67,00,00,000
              3.  Smallest → 12,34,578   Largest → 87,54,321    2.  23,45,479, 23,45,480, 23,45,481, 23,45,482, 23,45,483,
              4.  (a)  9,99,987  (b) 99,99,399  (c) 8,99,999         23,45,484
                 (d)  99,00,001                                   3.  Largest  → 9,99,999; smallest  → 1,00,000
              5.  (a)  23,413 < 32,432 < 34,341 <3,22,431         4.  10,00,002    5. 9,99,995
                 (b)  14,004 < 40,000 < 1,41,004 < 4,10,001       6.  Twenty-two crore two lakh twenty-two thousand two
                 (c)  5,87,431 < 6,78,301 < 8,20,091 < 75,43,891       hundred twenty-two
                 (d)  3,84,36,888 < 3,86,36,888 < 3,94,36,888     7.  4531: nearest 10 → 4530, nearest 100 → 4500
              6.  (a)  89,43,501   (b) 3,43,47,000   (c) 12,00,00,001       nearest 1000 → 5000
            Exercise 1.4                                          8.  3,47,549
              1.  (a)  20  (b) 90  (c) 380  (d) 1,690  (e) 43,300    9.  Indian system         4 lakh
                 (f)  3,85,210                                       34,56,779: Place value of 4 = 4,00,000
                 2.          Nearest    Nearest    Nearest                   Place value of 6 = 6,000
                              100        1000       10000           International system
                 51,357      51,400     51,000      50,000           3,456,779: Place value of 4 = 400,000  400 thousand
                 4,17,504    4,17,500   4,18,000   4,20,000                  Place value of 6 = 6,000
                 9,55,724    9,55,700   9,56,000   9,60,000                  Difference 3,94,000
                                                                             Sum = 4,06,000
                 83,78,209  83,78,200  83,78,000   83,80,000
                                                                 10.  500
                 59,10,417  59,10,400  59,10,000   59,10,000
                 3,76,42,555  3,76,42,600  3,76,43,000  3,76,40,000  Scratch Your Brain
             3.  (a)  (i)  (b)  (iii)  (c)  (iv)  (d)  (i)  (e)  (iii)    1.  1,537   2. 10   3. (a)

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