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P. 225

Exercise 14.2                                        11.  (a)  columbus   (b) 10   (c) dashing car
              1.  (a)  school bus  (b)  100                      12.  (a)  The graph depicts marks obtained by Hari out of
                 (c) other public transport   (d)  125                 80 in different subjects.
              2.  (a)  5 hours   (b)  2 students   (c) 19            (b)  70  (c) English, 40
              3.  (a)  horizontal  (b) A  (c) I and D  (d) 5  (e) 46
            Let’s Evaluate                                              Some NCERT Textbook Questions
              1.  Students to draw on their own.                            Chapter 5: Multiplication
              2.  (a)  Honey   (b) 120   (c) 300 shells   (d) Vini
              3.  (a)  The graph depicts number of people with     1.  15 kg wheat    2. 700 kg
                   different blood groups.                        3.  Students to do on their own.    4. (c)
                 (b)  Scale: 1 square = 10 people                              Chapter 6: Division
                 (c)  B    (d) AB      (e) 80
            Scratch Your Brain                                    1.  3 children
            (a) rice    (b) fruits                                2.  (a) 5    (b) 10    (c) 25    (d) 100
                                                                  3.  Students to do on their own.
                          Assessment Sheet 4                                   Chapter 8: Fractions
            I. Choose the correct answer.                         1.  (a) ` 4    (b) ½ kg of onions    (c) ` 9
              1.  (b)      2. (c)    3. (b)    4. (d)    5. (a)
            II. Solve and answer.                                    (d) Yes, Keerthi can buy all the things.
              1.  24 cm      2.  True      3.  4     4.  14 cm       (e) Students to do on their own.
              5.  Students to do on their own.                    2.  Students to do on their own.
              6.  more  7. (b), (c) and (e)  8. bar graph  9. False  10. right  Chapter 9: Measurement
                             Let’s Review–2                       1.  (a) 28 cm    (b) 9 cm    (c) (iii)    (d) 5 m 43 cm
            I. Choose the correct answer.                            (e) (ii)
              1.  (a)     2.  (c)   3.  (b)   4.  (d)   5. (b)    2.  2000 m (or 2 km)    (a) 5 rounds    (b) 3 km 200 m
              6.  (c)     7.  (d)                                 3.  600 mL    4. 2000 mL
            II. Solve mentally and answer.                        5.  (a) Students to do on their own.
              1.      m   2.  1,000 ml  3. ` 81 and 63 p             (b) 1000 grams
              4.  16  5. square  6. 16 cm  7. 48, 96, 192, 384           Chapter 10: Time and Calendar
            III. Short and long answer questions                  1.  Pinki
              1.  96 kg 200 g    2. 102 cm 3 mm                   2.  (a) 15 minutes    (b) 20 minutes
              3.  (a) ` 31015.35    (b)  ` 526.31                    (c) 10 minutes    (d) 35 minutes
              4.  (a)  ` 573 and 21 p   (b) ` 102 and 43 p
               5.  (a)  (iii)   (b) (v)   (c) (i)   (d) (ii)   (e) (iv)    3.  (a)   10  11  12 1  2 3     (b)   10 11  12 1  2 3
              6.  21 days, 5th February    7. 4:30 a.m.                  9 8  7 6  5  4  9 8  7 6  5  4
              8.  (a)  (i) front   (ii) top   (iii) side
                 (b)  (i) front    (ii) side     (iii) top               10 11  12 1  2  10  11  12 1  2
              9.  Students to do on their own.                       (c)   9 8  7 6  5  4 3     (d)   9 8  7 6  5  4 3
                                      e e

             10.  (a)              (b)                                         Chapter 11: Money
                                                                  1.  (a) ` 155    (b) ` 210
                                                                    2.  ` 131
                                                                     (c) (i) ` 220    (ii) ` 92    (iii) ` 144
                   d               d
                 (c)                                                     Chapter 13: Shapes and Patterns

                                                                  1.  (a) 2    (b) 6    (c) 3    (d) (i)

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