Page 203 - Start Up Mathematics_3
P. 203

Exercise 10.1                                       Let’s Evaluate
              1.  (a)  800 paise   (b)  1300 paise  (c)  2500 paise    1.  (a)  600 p   (b) 1425 p   (c) ` 7.15   (d)  ` 18.60
                 (d)  775 paise   (e)  1605 paise  (f)  5250 paise    2.  (a)  ` 338.34  (b) ` 1605.90  (c) ` 734.67  (d)  ` 1460.70
                 (g)  3725 paise   (h)  1435 paise  (i)  1830 paise    3.  (a)  ` 24.02  (b) ` 380.69  (c) ` 225.32  (d)  ` 111.18
                 (j)  4565 paise                                  4.  (a)  ` 23.70  (b) ` 98.08   (c) ` 292.23  (d)  ` 421.05
              2.  (a)  ` 3.15  (b) ` 13.40  (c) ` 11.10  (d) ` 40.80    5.  (a)  ` 15.25  (b) ` 5.10   (c) ` 9.07   (d)  ` 6.04
                 (e)  ` 62.65  (f) ` 93.25  (g) ` 70.30  (h) ` 55.30  6.  (a)  (ii)  (b)  (iii)  (c)  (ii)  7. ` 107
              3.  (a)  ` 12.50  (b) ` 27.25  (c) ` 62  (d) 675 p    8.              BILL               Bill No. 214
              4.  (a)  No  (b) Yes  (c) Yes  (d) Yes  (e) No                     Coffee Shop           Date: ____
            Exercise 10.2                                             S.                          Price   Amount
              1.  (a)  ` 565.48   (b)  ` 795.17   (c) ` 573.29       No.      Items      Quantity  (in `)  `   p
                 (d)  ` 1436.16   (e)  ` 1387.63   (f) ` 1663.97      1.  Hot coffee        1    12.50    12.50
              2.  (a)  ` 55.11    (b)  ` 222.75   (c) ` 132.43        2.  Club sandwich     2    30.25    60.50
                 (d)  ` 48.04    (e)  ` 649.12   (f) ` 206.78         3.  French fries      1    25.00    25.00
              3.  ` 446.35   4. ` 13.55    5. ` 141.21                4.  Cold coffee       1    18.50    18.50
              6.  (a) ` 56.21     (b)  ` 2081.46   (c)  ` 337.65      5.  Coleslaw sandwich  3   32.25    96.75
                 (d)  ` 154.45   (e)  ` 1845.72   (f)  ` 1212.35                                  Total  213.25
              7.  (a)  >       (b)  =        (c) <
            Exercise 10.3                                       Values and Life Skills
              1.  (a)  52 p   (b) 210 p or ` 2.10   (c)  615 p or ` 6.15    1.  ` 440.15  2. ` 50.75
                 (d)  336 p or ` 3.36  (e) 1863 p or ` 18.63    Scratch Your Brain
                 (f)  1300 p or ` 13                            Pocket money in month of July = ` 335
              2.  (a)  ` 0.96     (b)  ` 20.60   (c) ` 96.40    Pocket money in last month of year = ` 835
                 (d)  ` 6.42     (e)  ` 1.70   (f) ` 445.50              Chapter 11: Shapes and Patterns
              3.  (a)  ` 156.90  (b) ` 64.68  (c) ` 110.70  (d) ` 248.80  Let’s Recall
                 (e)  ` 135.63  (f) ` 11.90  (g) ` 48.08  (h) ` 195.85    1.  (a)  pink—circle   (b) pink—kite
            Exercise 10.4                                            (c)  orange—cylinder  (d) orange—cone
                 (a)  ` 241  (b) ` 44  (c) ` 41  (d) ` 35  (e) ` 65       (e) orange—cone  (f) orange—cuboid
                 (f) ` 79  (g) ` 6.01  (h) ` 6.09  (i) ` 34.24       (g)  orange—sphere  (h) pink—rectangle
            Exercise 10.5                                            (i)  orange—cube
              1.  ` 166.95  2. ` 718  3. ` 690.70  4. ` 102.25    2.  (a)  circle  (b)  triangle       (c)  semicircle
              5.  ` 190.25  6. ` 11.30                               (d)  circle  (e)  rectangle     (f)  square
            Exercise 10.6                                         3.  (a)  4  (b)  6    (c)  2   (d)  2
              (a)  ` 290   (b)  ` 67.50       (c) ` 69.50       Exercise 11.1
              (d)                                  Bill No. 48
                             Chaat Stall                          2.  Circle, Nil, Nil, Nil, Bangle
                                                   Date: ____     3.  Rectangle, 4, 4, 2, Post card
                 S. No.  Items   Quantity Price (in `)            4.  Triangle, 3, 3, Nil, Slice of pizza
                                                     `   p        5.  Oval, Nil, Nil, Nil, Egg  6. Kite, 4, 4, 2, Diamond
                  1.   Pani-puri    7      15.00    105.00      Exercise 11.2
                  2.   Aloo tikki   4      20.00     80.00        1.  (a)  solid shape   (b)  edge   (c)  sphere
                  3.   Papri-chaat  3      25.00     75.00           (d)  rectangle     (e)  2   (f)  1
                                           Total    260.00
                                                                  2.  I.  (2, A), (4, A), (2, C), (4, C)
              (e)               BILL               Bill No. 152        II.  (1, F), (1, H), (3, J), (3, D)
                             Shahi Dhaba           Date: ____     3.  (a)  Number of faces = 6
                                                    Amount              Shape of faces = rectangular
                 S. No.   Items   Quantity Price (in `)
                                                      `   p             Number of edges = 12
                  1.   Dal makhani   2      35.00     70.00             Number of vertices = 8
                  2.   Shahi paneer  3      60.00    180.00          (b)  Number of faces = 3
                  3.   Dum aloo      1      27.00     27.00             Shape of faces = 2 flat and 1 curved
                  4.   Tandoori roti  8      5.00     40.00             Number of edges = 2
                  5.   Veg pulao     2      25.00     50.00             Number of vertices = None
                                            Total    367.00          (c)  Number of faces = 2
                 They get back ` 33.                                    Shape of faces = 1 flat and 1 curved

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