Page 213 - Start Up Mathematics_1
P. 213

3   Titu frog jumps over two numbers and reaches the third number. Where will

                   Titu go next? Make a ring on the other numbers.

                               1                                    17   18
                                  2                             16          19

                                    3                         15
                                     4                        14             20

                                      5                      13               21
                                        6                  12                  22
                                          7                                      23
                                            8            11                          24
                                                9 10                                      25

              4   Read and write what comes next.

                      DAY        NIGHT        DAY

                       19          29          39

                       18          21          24

                       85          75          65

                                     INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY

            To make patterns using different vegetables

            Things We Need:  A white sheet of paper, water colours, colour dish, cauliflower
                                   floret, bitter gourd (cut from one end)

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