Page 181 - Start Up Mathematics_1
P. 181



            Bala has come to a grocery shop with her mother to buy some food items.

                               `  92.50/kg                      ` 35.50   ` 62.50

                                            `  80/kg                ` 30.00

                                                        ` 105
                                   Flour      Rice

            They have bought 1 kg wheat flour, 1 bottle of pickle and a packet of biscuits.

                          Your bill is ` 210.50.

                         No mummy. There is something wrong. Let me check the bill.

            Help Bala calculate the correct amount to be paid.

                     Item                   Amount

                                         `             p
             1 kg wheat flour        ______        ______
             Pickle                  ______        ______

             Biscuits                ______        ______
             Total                   ______        ______            Uncle, our total is ` ______.

                     Yes, you are right. Sorry! I made a mistake. Madam, I am so glad that you
                     are educating your daughter. Otherwise, I would have unknowingly taken
                     more money from you.

                                           I  am  proud  of  you  Bala.  I  am  so  glad  you  are
                                           making use of what you are learning in school.

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