Page 172 - ICSE Math 7
P. 172

2.  If AB || CD, find x for each of the following figures.

                                     P                                C                             A        C
                                        55°                  A
                               A          B                         40°                    E      x   2x    F
                         (a)                          (b)    E   x          F       (c)

                              C x         D                                 D             B
                                  Q                                  B                             D

                                                                                              E       x             F

                      3.  If AB, CD and EF are parallel to each other. Find the values of                 y
                        x, y and z.                                                           C                     D
                                                                                                     z   40°
                                                                                              A                     B
                      4.  If l || m, find the values of the unknown angles.

                                 x         y                                                                 y
                                                    l                                                        x        m
                         (a)          125°                 (b)        62°    y  x        (c)
                                                    m                                                58°   60°
                                            110°                 m                                                    l

                              m          l
                                                                m                                 2x + 50°
                                  y                                   y       z                             l
                        (d)      z                         (e)                            (f)  x + 100°
                                      x                                 x   x                              m
                                         30°                     l             55°                   y

                                                              AT A GLANCE

                    ¾   A point is a mark of position. It has no length, breadth and thickness.
                    ¾   A line is a collection of points along an endless straight path.
                    ¾   A line segment is a part of a line from one fixed point to the other.
                    ¾   A ray is a part of a line which starts from a fixed point and moves endlessly in the same direction.
                    ¾   A plane is a flat surface having infinite length and breadth.
                    ¾   Two lines lying in the same plane which do not meet even when extended indefinitely are known
                        as parallel lines.
                    ¾   Two lines lying in the same plane and having a common point are known as intersecting lines.
                    ¾   Two intersecting lines making an angle of 90° at the point of intersection are known as
                        perpendicular lines.

                    ¾   Three or more points are known as collinear if all of them lie on the same line.
                    ¾   Three or more lines are known as concurrent if all of them pass through the same point.
                    ¾   Two rays having the same initial point form an angle.
                    ¾   Two angles are called complementary angles if the sum of their magnitudes is equal to 90° and
                        are called supplementary angles if the sum of their magnitudes is equal to 180°.

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