Page 132 - ICSE Math 7
P. 132

                    Example 8:  A deer pursues a fawn at a speed of 30 km h , while the fawn runs at a speed of
                                  12 km h . After what distance and how much time will the deer be able to catch the
                                  fawn if the fawn is 75 m ahead of the deer?
                    Solution:     As deer and fawn are running in the same direction, their relative speed = (30 – 12) km h –1

                                  = 18 km h  =   18 × 5  = 5 m s .
                                  Time required to catch the fawn =  75  s = 15 s
                                  Speed of the deer in m s  =  30 × 5  =  25  m s –1
                                                                 18      3
                                  Distance covered by the deer in 15 s =  25 × 15  m = 125 m
                    Example 9:  A train 160 m long crosses a person in 4 s. Determine
                                  its speed in:                                                     Maths Info
                                  (a)  m s              (b)  km h –1                          To pass  a pole  or a person,  a
                    Solution:     Distance travelled by the train = Length of the train       train has to travel a distance
                                                                                              equal to its own length.
                                                                 = 160 m
                                  (a)  Speed of the train in m s  =  Distance  =  130  m s  = 32.5 m s –1
                                                                      Time       4
                                  (b)  Speed of the train in km h  = 32.5 ×     km h  = 117 km h   –1
                    Example 10: A train 180 m long, crosses a 240 m long bridge in 12 seconds. Find:
                                  (a)  the speed of the train in km h .
                                  (b)   the time taken by the train to pass a man running in the direction of the train at 6 km h .
                    Solution:     (a)   Distance travelled by the train = Length of the train + length of the bridge
                                                                     = 180 m + 240 m                Maths Info
                                                                     = 420 m
                                      Speed of the train in m s  =  Distance  =  420  m s –1  To pass a platform or a bridge, a
                                                                                              train has to travel a distance equal
                                                                      Time      12
                                                                = 35 m s –1                   to the sum of its own length and
                                                                                              that of platform or bridge.
                                      Speed of the train in km h  = 35 ×   5   km h  = 126 km h   –1
                                  (b)   Since both the train and the man are running in the same direction, therefore their
                                      relative speed is (126 – 6) km h  = 120 km h  = 120 ×     5   =  100  m s .
                                      Distance travelled = Length of the train = 180 m          18    3
                                                     180       180 × 3      540       2
                                      Time taken =         s =          s =      s = 5  s
                                                     100/3       100        100       5
                    Example 11:  Two trains A and B, 120 m and 180 m long are moving along parallel tracks with speeds
                                  80 km h  and 90 km h  respectively. How long will train A take to overtake train B?
                    Solution:     Distance to be covered by train A
                                  = Sum of the lengths of the trains A and B                        Maths Info
                                  = 120 m + 180 m = 300 m                                     To pass or overtake another
                                  Time required by train A to overtake train B                train, a train has to travel a

                                    300 × 18                                80 × 5            distance equal to the sum of
                                  =           s = 13.5 s      (80 km h  =          m s )      the lengths of the two trains.
                                      80 × 5                                  18
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