Page 243 - ICSE Math 5
P. 243

4.         Favourite colour of students of class V   2.   Y-axis
                           Y-axis                                                            Y-axis: 1 unit = 10 marks
                          15                    Y-axis: 1 unit = 1 student    70
                          14                                                  60
                          13                                                  50
                          12                                                  40
                          11                                                 Makrs  30          cs
                          10                                                  20               Mathema   Social Studies
                           9 8                                                10 0   English  Hindi  Science  X-axis
                         Number of students  7 6 5 4                        (c)  65      Subject  (b)  English; 50

                                                                            (a) Mathema  cs; 70
                                                                                                 (d) 75%; 68.75%

                           2 3                                           3.  (a)   Fruits in a   Tally Marks  Number of
                           1     Red  Pink  Blue  Black  Orange  Yellow            Basket                      Fruits
                           0                                 X-axis
                                   Favourite colour                                 Apple                       10
                    Exercise 14.3                                                  Banana                        5
                      1. (a)  60       (b) 40          (c) Pa   es
                        (d)  wafers    (e) 360 items                                Litchi                      12
                      2.  (a)  Mango   (b)  8 Guavas and 9 oranges
                                                                                    Guava                        3
                        (c)  1         (d) 36 trees
                                               7       1                    (b)
                     3.  (a)  5% (b) Cleaning (c)    (d)                                                        Number
                                               20      10
                                                                                    Item         Tally Marks    of Item
                    Exercise 14.4                                                                                 Sold
                      1. (a)  Playing sports   (b) Visi  ng friends
                                                                                Crayon                            25
                        (c)  5 students      (d) 5 students
                      2. (a)  Exam 11   (b) Exam IV    (c) 4 students
                                                                                Notebook                          20
                        (d)  4 students   (e) 1 students
                                                                                Pencil                            15
                    Review Exercise
                                                                                Pen                                5
                     1.     Games liked by the students
                                                                                Eraser                            10
                          Game      Number of Students
                                                                          4. (a)  20%      (b) Soccer      (c) 42%

                        Football                                            (d) Gymnas  cs   (e) 11%       (f) 27%
                                                                          5. (a)  April    (b) Increased   (c) 175 cars
                                                                            (d) 5 cars
                                                            Scale       Values and Life Skills
                                                           = 1 student
                                                                           Y-axis        Scale:
                        Badminton                                                        Y-axis: 1 unit = 5 L

                        Volleyball                                          25
                                                                         Milk consump on (in L)   20
                                                                            0                           X-axis
                                                                                A    B   C    D    E
                        (a)  Cricket   (b) 7           (c) Football
                                                                                      Families 
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