Page 147 - ICSE Math 5
P. 147

                            10            Perimeter and Areaerimeter and Area

                     Learning Outcomes

                         Students will be able to learn:
                          to find the perimeter of simple geometrical shapes.
                          to find the area of simple geometrical shapes.


                    Perimeter of a closed figure is the sum of all its sides or the total length of its boundary. Perimeter
                    of a figure can be calculated by measuring all the sides of the given figure using a ruler or a
                    measuring tape.

                                                Perimeter of a figure = Sum of all its sides

                    Example 1:  Find the perimeter of the given figure.
                                       A       6 cm       B

                                  3 cm                       2 cm
                                                             3 cm
                                    4 cm
                                           E     5 cm      D
                    Solution:     Perimeter of the given figure = Sum of all its sides

                                                                 = AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FA
                                                                 = 6 cm + 2 cm + 3 cm + 5 cm + 4 cm + 3 cm
                                                                 = 23 cm

                                  So, the perimeter of the given figure is 23 cm.

                    Perimeter of a Rectangle

                    A rectangle is a simple closed figure with 4 sides in which opposite sides are equal.
                    Let’s find the formula for perimeter of a rectangle using the definition of perimeter.

                    In the given rectangle PQRS, the two lengths are PQ and RS; and the two breadths are QR and SP.
                                                                  Length (l)
                                                        P                          Q

                                             Breadth (b)                             Breadth (b)

                                                        S                          R
                                                                  Length (l)

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