Page 88 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 88

11             The Discontented Fir Tree

                    A fir tree grew in a thick forest. It had dark green needles. Its trunk was thick

                    and straight. The wind sang a song when it moved through its branches.

                    One day it looked at the leaves of the other trees. These had different shapes:
                    round, oval, narrow and broad.

                    The fir tree looked sadly at its needles
                    and said, ‘My needles are not proper
                    leaves. They are stiff and sharp. They

                    are not like the leaves of other trees.
                    I wish I had leaves of gold.’

                    A wood-fairy heard its sad words. She

                    touched its  boughs with her magic
                    wand. The next morning the needles of

                    the fir tree had changed into shining
                    gold leaves. It was very happy but its
                    happiness did not last long.

                                                                      A robber came and started plucking all
                                                                      the gold leaves from the fir tree. The
                                                                      fir tree begged, ‘Please don’t take my

                                                                      gold leaves.’ The robber replied, ‘I’ll
                                                                      sell the leaves and buy food for my

                                                                      family.’ Then he ran away with all the
                                                                      gold leaves.

                                                                      The fir tree started weeping. It looked

                                                                      ugly without the gold leaves. It sobbed,
                    ‘I wish I had sparkling glass leaves. They will shine in the sunlight. I will look
                    like a tree of light.’

                     stiff : difficult to bend or move                   sparkling : shining brightly

                     boughs : a large branch of a tree
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