Page 17 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 17

not reply. When the toys chatted and played during the night, Chhuk-Chhuk
                    sat in a corner. It did not try to make friends with the other toys in the basket.
                    The toys whispered to each other, ‘Chhuk-Chhuk is very proud. It thinks it’s

                    better than us.’

                    One evening Rahul’s friends, Atul and Mohan, came to play with Chhuk-Chhuk.

                    They made it run many times round the garden. Chhuk-Chhuk started feeling
                    tired and sleepy.

                    Then, it was time for the boys to go home. Atul, accidentally kicked
                    Chhuk-Chhuk. Bing! Bang! Bong! Chhuk-Chhuk went flying into a bush. Its

                    powerful headlight fell off and there were deep scratches all over its body.
                    Rahul said goodbye to his friends and went inside his house. He forgot all
                    about Chhuk-Chhuk. Soon it became dark. Poor Chhuk-Chhuk was alone and

                    frightened in the bush.

                    Teddy was worried about Chhuk-Chhuk. He said to all the toys, ‘Chhuk-Chhuk

                    hasn’t come back. We must try to find it.’

                    Mithu, the parrot, said, ‘Why should we worry about Chhuk-Chhuk? It doesn’t

                    even talk to us.’

                    Teddy said, ‘Mithu, it’s true what you say but I think Chhuk-Chhuk is in trouble.

                    We must help it.’

                    Then all the toys agreed to look for Chhuk-Chhuk. They went into the garden
                    to find it. They called out, ‘Chhuk-Chhuk, dear friend, where are you?’

                    Suddenly, they heard sobs coming from a bush. They ran towards it and found
                    Chhuk-Chhuk lying in it. Teddy and Jumbo pulled it out and brought it back

                    to Rahul’s room.

                    All the toys said lovingly, ‘Don’t worry, Chhuk-Chhuk. We’ll take care of you.’

                    They cleaned it properly. Sim-Sim the clown taped Chhuk-Chhuk’s headlight back
                    into place. Then it painted over all the scratches with red paint. Chhuk-Chhuk

                    looked bright and happy again.

                     scratches : cuts on the skin made by something sharp
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