Page 107 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 107

A     Comprehension

                    Complete the answers.

                           1.  How does the swing move?

                                It moves            and           and           again.

                           2.  What is the happiest thing a child can do?

                               The happiest thing a child can do is to

                           3.  What can a child see up in a swing?

                               It can see a                       ,               s, c                 , all over the

                                                , the green                  and the                                  f.

                   B         Vocabulary

                    B1.  Fill in the blanks with colour words from the poem.

                           1. the                   sky

                           2. the                   garden

                           3. the                   roof

                    B2.  Thinking and Feeling about Colours

                    Yasmin loves the colour yellow. When she sees yellow, she thinks of the

                    following things.


                                    happiness                                                lemon

                                       butter                                                 yolk


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