Page 18 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 18


                            an engine                   a kite                   a goat                     a hat

                    E2. Conversa         on

                           Gree  ngs

                           Repeat the following conversa  ons a  er your teacher.

                           Conversation 1

                                 Teacher  :  Good morning, children.

                                 Children :  Good morning, ma’am.

                                 Teacher  :  Please sit down.

                                 Children :  Thank you, ma’am.

                           Conversation 2

                                 Leela  :  Hello, Raman! How are you?

                                 Raman  :  Hello, Leela! I’m fine, thank you. And you?

                                 Leela     : Fine, thanks.

                           Pair work. Prac  se the conversa  ons.

                    E3.  Sounds of English

                           Say the following words a  er your teacher.

                                 ant                peg                pin                box                cup

                                 bat                leg                tin                fox                bun

                                 mat                fell               sit                hot                sum

                                 and                bell               trip               stop               come

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