Page 112 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 112

C          Grammar

                    Shall / Will

                    Look at the given chart.

                                                  One                               Many

                                                I shall                           we shall

                                               you will                            you will

                                                he will

                                               she will                           they will

                                                it will

                    Read the following sentences.

                           1. We shall go to the circus next week.

                           2. Simran will write a letter to Kamal tomorrow.

                             We write shall or will to talk about actions in future time.

                    Complete the following sentences with shall or will and the given verbs.

                    Sentence 1 is done for you.

                                          close  wear  wash  play  cook

                           1.  It is raining outside. I     shall wear     my raincoat.

                           2.  Arun and David                              football for the school.

                           3.  The dishes are dirty. We                               them this evening.

                           4.  It is windy.                    I                the window?

                           5.  Samira is feeling hungry. Mother                                   food for her.

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