Click the correct answer (True & False).
Click the correct answer.
What is the value of $$\left (2 \right)^{-5} \times \left (64 \right)^{\frac{2}{3}}$$?
What is the value of $$\left \{ \left ( \frac{-2}{3} \right )^{-3} \right \}^{2}$$?
Which of the following is equal to $$\left ( \frac{-2}{7} \right )^{-6}\div \left ( \frac{-2}{7} \right )^{4}$$?
$$\left ( \frac{-2}{7} \right )^{2}$$
$$\left ( \frac{-2}{7} \right )^{-10}$$
$$\left ( \frac{-7}{2} \right )^{-10}$$
$$\left ( \frac{-7}{2} \right )^{2}$$
What is the value of {(4)–1 – (2)–1} × (3)–1?
What is the value of {(3)–1 ÷ (4)–1}3?
Click the correct answer.
$$\left ( \frac{p}{q} \right )^{-m} =$$
$$\left ( \frac{-q}{p} \right )^{m}$$
$$\left ( \frac{p}{q} \right )^{m}$$
$$\left ( \frac{q}{p} \right )^{m}$$
The standard form of 21.36 × (10)–5 is
2.136 × (10)–4
2.136 × (10)4
2.136 × (10)–6
The standard form of $$\left (\frac{1}{100000000} \right )$$ is
1.0 × (10)8
1.0 × (10)–8
1.0 × (20)8
The standard form of 34.95 × (10)–4 is
3.495 × (10)–3
3.495 × (10)3
3.495 × (10)–2
The standard form of 0.00000000156 is
1.56 × (10)9
1.56 × (10)–11
1.56 × (10)–9
The expression for 35 with a negative exponent is
The value of {(6)0 + (2)–1} × 32 is